Maternal Mortality Rate

It may comes as a shock to hear, but Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world and Houston has the highest maternal mortality rate in Texas. There are many factors into why our rate is so high in America. For one, we do not have universal health care, so for low income moms who are on Medicaid during their pregnancy, that insurance usually drops one month after birth in 37 states including Texas. We also do not have a national maternal leave. Mothers are on the whim of their employers and their policies. We have to take into account that the maternal death rate is during pregnancy and 42 days after birth. This is a critical time for moms who are in their most vulnerable state.

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I've Got Bumps in My Rumps

For some of us, hemorrhoids may have never been on our minds during birth, while others may have heard stories and feared the worse. Let’s talk about those bumps. How and why do they happen? What are our options for healing?

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