Which bind is more effective? The modern or tradtional?
Both binds are just as effective. The traditional bengkung bind is more form fitting, going up your body inch by inch and can feel less bulky than the modern one. The modern bind is a lot easier and faster to put on and take off, but can feel thick to some and not as discreet under clothing.
when should i start wearing the bind?
It is best to begin wearing the bind between 24 hours and four days after birth. Though wearing it any time within the first six weeks of postpartum is also beneficial.
what if iām past six weeks postpartum
The bind is most effective right after birth because it makes use of the shifts happening in our bodies with our organs, and hormones. But our bodies continue to produce the hormone relaxin for up to three months after birth and even longer if breastfeeding. The bind can still be useful to these mothers, helping to strengthen the core and support the abdominal muscles as well as back.
When should i not wear the bind?
You should not wear the bind if you have had a uterus prolapse. The bind can be used to aid the prolapse and strengthen the pelvic floor muscle but only with the guide of a pelvic floor therapist. Please reach out to one and see how our bind can help with your recovery.
Can i sleep in it?
No, the body should be allowed to breath at night but you can nap in the day with it on.
Will it help with my diastasis recti?
Yes! The bengkung bind can help close the gap of DR either from pregnancy, or help prevent it after birth as our abdominal muscles are weak and need the support to properly heal. The bengkung bind can also help close the gap months after giving birth. Proper care and exercise should also be accompanied to help close this gap.
can i still wear the bind if i had a c-section?
Yes, the bengkung bind can be used after a caesarean birth as support, similar to what they would normally give you in hospitals. Mothers need support over their sutures during coughs, sneezes and while using the bathroom. The bengkung bind should not be tightened until the stitches have healed, usually four to six weeks after birth. The mother will wear the bind longer than the recommended six weeks as it takes longer to heal from a caesarean birth. Please consult your provider if you have concerns.
How many days do I wear the bind?
It is recommended to wear the bengkung bind every day for 10-12 hours a day for six weeks.